My Events



South Florida Code Camp
Feb 22, 2014
Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Orlando Code Camp
March 22, 2014
Seminole State College, Sanford, FL

April 13-16, 2014
JW Marriott, Orlando, FL

Code On the Beach
August 8-10, 2014
One Beach, Atlantic Beach, FL


South Florida Code Camp
Feb 9, 2013
Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- ASP.NET Web API - Introduction and Why You Should be Using It
- TypeScript - Making you more comfortable and more productive with JavaScript

Orlando .NET User Group
Feb 20, 2013
City Hall, Orlando, FL
- TypeScript - Making you more comfortable and more productive with JavaScript

Orlando Windows Phone User Group
Mar 7, 2013
Microsoft Store, Orlando, FL
- Portable Class Libraries for Windows Phone and Windows 8

Orlando Code Camp
March 16, 2013
Seminole State College, Sanford, FL
- Creating a REST API with Node.js and TypeScript
- TypeScript: Making .NET Developers More Comfortable with JavaScript

Code on the Beach
Aug 16 - 18, 2013
Atlantic Beach, Orlando, FL
- Getting Started with Azure Mobile Services

DVLUPday Tampa
Nov 16, 2013
Tampa, FL
- Getting Started with Azure Mobile Services


Orlando Windows Phone User Group
July 24th, 2012
Voxeo Orlando Office
- Windows Phone 8 & Surface Announced, what does that mean for you
- Luis and Alex Perez present "Tips & Tricks - the Unspoken Rules of WP Application Development"

Tampa WP7 UG
July 24th, 2012
Microsoft Office Tampa
- Telerik Controls for Windows Phone (RadHubTile, RadJumpList)

Orlando Windows Phone User Group
Aug 17th, 2012
Microsoft Store

- Windows 8 Hackathon, Developer Contest and upcoming events by Shayne Boyer 
- Google Analytics for Windows Phone by Slobo Stipic
- Windows Phone to Windows 8 "The Challenges" by Michael Stark 

Southwest Florida Code Camp
September 8th, 2012
Hodges University
- Introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI - Why you should be using it
- Building Windows Phone Apps w/ MVVM Light

Orlando .NET User Group
September 20, 2012
Orlando City Hall
- Presenting "Skimming the Surface of ASP.NET WebAPI"

Richmond Code Camp
October 6, 2012
University of Richmond

- Introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI - Why you should be using it
- Building Windows 8 Apps w/ MVVM Light

Tampa Code Camp
October 13, 2012
USF,Tampa Florida

- Introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI - Why you should be using it
- Building Windows 8 Apps w/ MVVM Light
- Telerik Controls for Windows 8
- TypeScript - What is it, why now? (BarCamp)

Tallahassee Code Camp
November 3, 2012
Florida State University

- Introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI - Why you should be using it
- TypeScript: A Cozy JavaScript Blanket for .NET Coders

Microsoft Store - Winter Developer Series
November 15, 2012
- Windows 8 Store Apps UX

Microsoft Store - Winter Developer Series
December 6, 2012
- XAML & C# for Windows Store Apps

Microsoft Store - Winter Developer Series
December 13, 2012
Using Game Salad for No-Code Game Development on Windows 8

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